👋Hello there, I’m Deb!

I am a Ph.D. candidate (she/her) in the Minnesota NLP group led by Prof. Dongyeop Kang at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. I am co-supervised by Prof. Jaideep Srivastava who leads the Data Mining and Research Group (DMR) at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. I also work as a research assistant to Prof. Jisu Huh, who heads the Minnesota Computational Advertising Laboratory (MCAL).

Broadly, my research aims to combine NLP with computational social science. Specifically, I am interested in learning about people — how user preferences, social cues, and contextual factors influence and drive user behavior — in online social media settings. I am also interested in exploring the stylistic analysis of user text content. I have adopted a variety of deep learning, natural language processing, graph, and statistical methods towards my interest in Computational Social Science.

I obtained my Master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and my Bachelor’s degree in Computer science from PES University, Bangalore, India.
